Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Review for Pandemonia: Fortuity

New ‪#‎review‬ for Pandemonia: Fortuity, my newest rel w/ @Amber Quill Press."Intense, brutal at times and fast paced. This story grabs your attention from the start and keeps it until the very end. ... Great read." --Shorty, MMgoodbookreviews

Review URL:

Earth of 4035 is a wasteland populated with sectors of penal colonies, seeded through the generations
by its life-long inhabitants of criminals, lunatics, political prisoners, and DNA-spliced mutants, all ruled by a powerful conglomerate of scientific researchers called the Nucleate.

One such sector, Pandemonia, is situated on the former European continent in the vicinity of Paris, now a hunting ground of a world gone horribly awry.

When Dr. Swane Fox, a behavior scientist from the peaceful planet named Daudulis 40, enters Pandemonia to study its criminal society in an effort to save Earth, he is assaulted. Only a stroke of good fortune keeps him alive when a surly, uncommunicative prisoner named August steps in to save him.

Now, without a way out of Pandemonia since everything he owns has been stolen, Swane realizes his only hope of survival is accepting August’s offer to become his protector—for a price.

Both men have ulterior motives for joining forces, yet if anyone discovers their true goals, they will end up dead. Will lies, mistrust, and initial hatred prevent Swane and August from learning the truth about each other, to give in to their most passionate desires and perhaps even finding love in the least likely of places? Or will their destinies destroy them first?

Coming March 15th
In March, watch for the release of Pandemonia: Combustible, part of the AmberPax Kiss of Fire Collection, available March 15.

Earth 4025. A wasteland, strictly populated with penal colonies. Penal sectors that have become societies seeded through generation upon generation by its life-long inhabitants. Criminals, lunatics, political prisoners...and government-sanctioned DNA-spliced mutants. Ruled by a powerful conglomerate of scientific researchers called the Nucleate.

Passions mix with danger in an explosive and dangerous game, in a lawless world gone mad. No rules, no safe words. Only a fool would risk everything for a chance at love. Especially when that lover could just as well barbecue you as mate you.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

New Review for Blood For Blood, A Tale of Zytarri, and an Excerpt

After attending a Valentine's Ball last night with my husband, which was very nice, I came home to a first review for my new release, Blood For Blood. I'm going to share  a snippet of it this morning. And I'm also wishing you all a very Happy Valentne's Day today. :-)

“...dark and dangerous atmosphere, with sex and blood serving as the binding agent. ... This isn’t your typical romance... Abriel doesn’t pull her punches in terms of story telling... Abriel has built a vast world, with many different characters that are well thought out and extremely complex.”


Safe to say it's a dark and twisted tale of revenge in which love and romance must find a way to triumph. Not for the faint of heart. Fairly said. And thus, having said that, here's the blurb, and an excerpt from Blood for Blood.

This is a story based on the premise that if vampires were descended from an alien culture, what would that species and civilization be like? Can a vampire-like creature, with essence of human built into it, be "tamed"? Should a vampire be tamed? Creatures of the wild, with inbred instincts to feed, to hunt, to strike out when threatened, to protect what is theirs, to prey upon those weaker than themselves. Is it possible for such a lethal creature such as this to organize, to control those instincts, to maintain relationships with other species? The Sangorrians - a society that has learned to do just that. But, have they truly, and for how long can the veneer of civilized restraint last?

Zytarri, Book 1

The Past…
Leora Saguna has become what her kind fear most—a blood huntress. Fueled by a lust for revenge for the assassination of her Alpha, she has violated every Sangorrian law to track the murderers down. And one day return to her infant daughter, Katriel.

Each time Noah Chisca watches his mark take macabre delight in her task, he is one dead bandit closer to earning the highest bounty of his career. Yet he can’t deny the desire that twists his gut. He takes her captive; she takes him as her mate.

The Present…
Katriel knows bonding with the mate her mother has chosen will ensure her future as heir. But the memory of the forbidden warrior monk who stole her heart haunts her, and she rebels.

Valyn’s identity is hidden until he’s proven himself worthy of Katriel. But fighting a deadly dragon is only the beginning of their nightmare, as sinister forces conspire to shake the foundations of Sangorrian society and unleash a reign of blood that may destroy them all


Leora set aside the papers she’d been reviewing. Her expression told him  nothing. Nor did Sec Noah’s.

“Good morning, Valyn. You slept well?”

“Yes, thank you, Mistress.”

“My Second Attendant, Noah, has informed me of your bravery on the day of your
arrival, as well as your encounter with the dragon, and recounted your concern for and assistance with the people at Mt. Triton. You have earned his respect, and that is no easy feat.” She smiled. “I must say, I’ve also been hearing some very interesting retellings of your battle with the Vawndra from the servants.”

He glanced quickly at Noah but was met with an emotionless mask. He returned his gaze to Mistress Leora. “The mercenaries weren’t difficult to defeat, Mistress. The guards from Leah certainly outmatched them, and there was little I was required to do. The garrison of Leah is well trained.”

“I understand you’re educated in Ebonnian history.” Her black gaze seemed to penetrate his soul. He remained steady beneath her appraisal and tried not to appear unsettled by her abrupt change of subject.

“Yes, Mistress.”

She sat back and steepled her hands, her elbows resting on the arms of her chair. She exuded beauty and power as she studied him. He knew her background and respected her for the difficult choices he knew she’d been required to make over the years as Mistress of Leah.

“So tell me, what do you know of the history of the Aurora Valley?”

“Where would you like me to begin, Mistress?” he asked as courteously as possible.

“What is your understanding of the governing body of the Valley?”

“The Aurora Valley is ruled through the Seven Houses of the Crimson Sun. It is a
matriarchal society handed down from mother to eldest daughter in each House.”

“Very good. Can you name the Seven Houses?”

“The Houses are Allegra, Briana, Cleantha, Corinne, Electra, Galatea, and Leah.”

Her posture seemed to ease somewhat when he didn’t hesitate in his responses. “Well done, Valyn. It is good to know you won’t require a tutor to instruct you on Ebonnian politics. Now, what about the bonding ritual and blood rite? How familiar are you with the requirements for an Alpha Predom?”

“I’ve made myself thoroughly familiar, Mistress. But I understand there are customs that aren’t generally shared in the history books, and I’m ready to do whatever is required.”

“Do you understand your mate will need your blood to survive? That you’re responsible for her well-being at all times? That you’ll be expected to be totally loyal in every way to your mate? As she will be to you?” She leaned forward, examining him intently. “Do you realize there are those who would attempt to bribe an Alpha to gain access to the secrets of the Aurora Valley? Some have been put to death for their disloyalty. And then—” Her voice faltered, and a flicker of pain crossed her face.

Noah leaned forward as though sensing her unease and placed a hand on her shoulder.

She reached up to touch him, seeming to gain strength from him.

“There are others,” she continued in a strong voice, “who would attempt to murder the Alpha to the Matriarch in an effort to destroy the leadership. You’ll need to be on your guard at all times. Are you prepared for that as well?”

“I understand completely. I’ve already made that commitment to the Lady Katriel. It may not yet be official, but my resolve is unwavering.”

Leora again studied him for a long time. Slowly, she rose and walked around the side of the desk. “Disrobe, please. I wish to confirm the replica wasn’t altered concerning your suitability and lack of abnormalities.”

He’d known this was coming. A part of him rebelled at being ordered to disrobe before her, but he raised his hands and unbuttoned the brown robe, allowing it to drop to the floor at his feet. He returned to the stance of respect and waited, focusing his attention on the window just past where Noah stood.

He felt her assessing gaze as it roved over him and refused to respond to it or let it shake him.

She slowly circuited him, apparently studying him from every angle. She stopped
to examine the long slashing wound on his arm, seemed to assess each bruise and cut, categorizing every nuance of his body.

Finally, she halted in front of him and nodded. “Your wounds are a reflection of your bravery. It is my opinion that you are well suited as a mate for my daughter. Your conduct and bravery have already shown you’ll be a good protector. You may….”

The door to her office burst open, interrupting her words.

“Mother, please…” a frantic feminine voice spoke from behind him, then stopped

Valyn, unashamed of his nakedness, swung around to see who was there and was shocked to find himself staring into the startled gaze of his soon-to-be mate. She was everything he remembered and more. Her long dark hair fell in dishevelment about her face, her breasts heaved with agitation, her pale pink lips rounded in apparent shock. But what surprised him most were the dilated, smoky depths of her eyes. Darkened with what could only be lust.

She had eyes for no one else in the room once she saw him standing there. He saw tears pool within their depths, the startled recognition. “What is your name?” she whispered hoarsely.

He faced her, and her mouth gaped wider. Her eyes dilated more intensely, and her hands clenched at her side.

“My name is Valyn, lady. I’ve come for you as I vowed I would.”

Samhain Publishing purchase link:
Amazon Buy Link:

Darcy's Websites:,
Twitter: @darcy_abriel

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Excited to Share A Cover Reveal for Blood For Blood

Coming soon from Samhain Publishing.

Warning:  Contains red-hot flashbacks, white-hot Sangorrian mating rituals, blood and gore, a villain into torture, and no-holds-barred erotic passion.


Zytarri, Book 1

The Past…
Leora Saguna has become what her kind fear most—a blood huntress. Fueled by a lust for revenge for the assassination of her Alpha, she has violated every Sangorrian law to track the murderers down. And one day return to her infant daughter, Katriel.

Each time Noah Chisca watches his mark take macabre delight in her task, he is one dead bandit closer to earning the highest bounty of his career. Yet he can’t deny the desire that twists his gut. He takes her captive; she takes him as her mate.

The Present…
Katriel knows bonding with the mate her mother has chosen will ensure her future as heir. But the memory of the forbidden warrior monk who stole her heart haunts her, and she rebels.

Valyn’s identity is hidden until he’s proven himself worthy of Katriel. But fighting a deadly dragon is only the beginning of their nightmare, as sinister forces conspire to shake the foundations of Sangorrian society and unleash a reign of blood that may destroy them all. 

RELEASE DATE: Coming soon - February 2015


Friday, July 25, 2014

Word Geek

I love words, the make-up, the double entendre meanings. Words are fun to play with. I have a habit of collecting "word" book, i.e., dictionaries, usually at used book stores, sometimes new. Such as:

"A Dictionary of Naval Terms," "A Dictionary of Made-Up Languages". I have dictionaries of various languages, Latin, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Hungarian, Italian, etc., etc. I have mathematical, scientific, and I have a preference for older dictionaries, not newer ones. Words lost, words found. Words to play with, to alter, to re-use. Words are fun.

Thus, the newest addition to my "word geek" library is this one."The Handy Electrical Dictionary," a practical hand book of reference, containing definitions of every used electrical term or phrase. Indispensable to everyone interested in electrical science. With illustrations. Compiled and edited by W. L. Weber, M.E., copyright 1911 and 1902. Love it. A little guy that easily fits into the back pocket of a pair of work pants.

My current intriguing phrase from this book:

unbuilding of dynamo. The loss of its charge or excitation by a self-exciting dynamo.

and dynamo. a dynamo electric machine. A generator.

Take it from there.

Dynamo. Generator. Generator of what? Hmm. Well, taken literally, likely electricity. But what might I do with that when I play with words and meanings? Let me think on it.

One of the reasons I love writing dark fantasy and scifi. Sometimes I just play with letters in a word, moving them around and creating something different. Just like the fun of bending definition.

Such as, I might take dynamo electric machine and using the first letters of each word, I'd come up with the word Dem. Dem night be a social class, it might be a type of humanotic in the city -state of Quentopolis, it might be a process that they use at the Factorium. The unbuilding of dynamo might refer to a process that occurs in the Elite Logic Life Core - the ELLC, the knowledge machine at the core of Quentopolis.

I do love words and their meanings.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Words Inside My Head

Let me speak to you of the man. Oh, yes, the man, and the feelings I did not understand.

I speak of love -- a love that has locked me here within these insane walls. A love that kills, a love that suffocates every other thought and desire. A love that maddens the mind, seeping slowly to flood the heart, the soul. A love that will see no end. A love that will haunt me unto my very last breath surrenders, following me into the hellfires of eternity where I vow not to walk alone.

It was upon a night -- a dark and stormy night, daunting, taunting, endless abyss into which he came to me, golden like an angel, regal and bright with his mane of brilliant, gilded hair and demanding eyes of clear, cold January skies.

I loved him at first sight. I loved him through the darkness, through the endless tortured night...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Being Reminded

Every now and then one needs to be reminded of certain things about writing. It's never a question of learning a lesson once and knowing it sticks. It doesn't. Especially when it comes to self-doubt.

I've recently begun reading Dean Koontz's "Frankenstein" series. Too early to say how I like it because I've just started it, but the premise intrigued me. "Frankenstein" always was my favorite, and one of my first, introductions to horror (at about the age of 11), and I fell in love with the genre early on.

Moving on, I happened to come across an old interview of Mr. Koontz's done in 2008, and this particular response caught my eye and resonated somewhat. A good reminder not just to aspiring authors, but everyone, I think.

Excerpted from Strange Horizons interview, Fear Nothing: Interview with Dean Koontz by Michael McCarty, April 2008.
"I tell every young writer to find the material about which he or she can become passionate, work hard at using the language as well as he/she can use it—and to persevere. Throughout my career, until recently, I was continually told that my books would never hit big, that I couldn't mix genres the way I did, that my stories were too eccentric, that my vocabulary was too large and therefore limited the potential size of my audience, that even the very subtle spiritual elements in my work were too prominent and would bore or flat out offend modern readers, that readers didn't want stories with as much thematic freight as mine carried . . . blah, blah, blah. I was even told these things, relentlessly, after I'd seen my books rise to the number one slot on best-seller lists. What every young writer has to realize is that if he or she is doing something truly fresh, it will not immediately be supported, will not win big ad budgets, will not be understood. You must keep an open mind to criticism if it's about technical matters—that is, about grammar and syntax, about logic holes and clear story problems—but must diplomatically reject all criticism that relates to style, intent, theme. If you have clear and passionate purpose in your writing, something to say, and a determination to say it in a way unique to you, if you can explain to yourself exactly why you are doing what you're doing in the way you are doing it—then you have to stand fast and politely resist all attempts to change you. At the end of the day, if you write with conviction and passion, then the world will come around to your stories. If you bend too much to the will of others, you'll be reduced to blandness, to vanilla fiction, and no one will care. It also helps to sell your soul to Lucifer."
I've often said to friends that I don't write for the money (though it certainly helps if I want to eat and keep a roof over my head), I'm in this because I have stories to tell. Self-doubt always eats at you, I don't care if it's your first story or your hundredth, and you have to fight through the fear, wall off the naysayers, learn the language, utilize it, and write the story that possesses you with a passion that leaves you sleepless at night and hearing the insistent, sometimes ruthless voices in your head by day.

It's scary, it's exhilarating, it's frightening. And it doesn't have to be horror to induce those emotions.  I write what I write because those are the stories that call to me to be written. I've been fortunate enough to find publishers, and editors, who have been intrigued by the unusual, and sometimes odd workings of my muse. And thank God for the readers who enjoy the stories I need to tell.

Find your passion, keep your focus, believe in what you do, refine your craft. But most of all believe hard and write with passion.

Read more of the Dean Koontz interview at:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Contests & Guest Posts - Other Humanotica News and Recap

This has been a fast and furious week. Just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that there are two contests running at the moment where you can win a copy of the first book in the Humanotica series, Silver. Here are the links:


At Booked Up Reviews, here's the link to the contest page: (ends 3/31/12)

The other contest running is at Ramblings From This Chick, and that can be found at this link: (ends 3/29/12)


And I'd like to share with you the latest new review that was just posted at Booked Up for Haevyn, the second book in the Humanotica series.

"This book is 4 star material, a brilliant must-read. I was blown away with the story and the fascinating world Darcy has created. ... I’m hooked; I can’t get enough of this amazing series and hope it’s not too long before we get another addition to it. If you love erotica, adventure, scifi and nail biting drama, you need to try this series. You will not be disappointed." - Booked Up Reviews


Read an excerpt and more reviews for Haevyn at:

Recap of Posts Regarding Backstory for the Humanotica Series

Read the first chapter at:

Read my guest post, "Haevyn and the Dreaded Factorium" at:

Read about creating the city of Quentopolis on my blog:

Read about naming the characters for this story on my blog:

Read about an early conversation with Haevyn on my blog:

Read my guest post about "Haevyn and Emotional Cost" of living in a world such as Quentopolis.

Read my guest post about "Haevyn and the Elite Logical Life Core" at:

